Bagasse is the fibrous residue of sugar cane after it has been drained, cut and crushed by machines. It is released into the environment as trash. Bagasse & paper products include items like bagasse chips (similar to corn meal or rice) that can be used as food additives or animal feed.

India has one of the largest sugar industries in the world. The sugar industry in India is one of the largest producers of bagasse, generating about 0.5 million tonnes per year. This is equivalent to about 200 million trees, which would cover an area approximately the size of Delhi

We've been watching the maturity of this alternative in India. The adoption of bagasse by production facilities across the country for a variety of applications is absolutely thrilling for us. At the time of writing this article there are approximately 50 facilities across the country.

Stay tuned for a very special partnership that we've been working on for a while now!